Since we decided to reform Minimum Vital in a trio format by 2011, I had left for a moment the electric guitar, just to enjoy the pure delight of exclusive acoustic playing. But when the time came to work on a new album, I felt I was to play the electric guitar again (because, after all, we are a progressive rock band, are we?). But I didn’t want to move to the Les Paul Gibson because I needed a serious change in sound. So I tried this Gretch Electromatic in a guitar shop… then immediately felt in love with her! This guitar is not good only for rocking fifties, as you may think first, but it can take his place in every kind of music, even progressive or electric / Celtic stuff! The sound of this guitar is very versatile and keeps a natural “acoustic” flavour, even in distorted sounds, which gives the guitar a true “living” presence. It’s very sensual, can be soft in a jazzy way first, then roar like a lion the second after. I really like the delicate “sour” sound of the two microphones, as only Gretch can provide. And God, what a beautiful lady!