Minimum Vital

Progressif Rock since 1982

  1. Saladin
  2. Saltarello
  3. En Castille
  4. Rodéo
  5. L'Enfance Des Sages
  6. Le Tourdion
  7. La Basse Danse
  8. Fantaisie Pour Mandoline
  9. La Pavane

"Since 1985, brothers Thierry and Jean-Luc Payssan have been refining a crisply dynamic blend of medieval-inspired music with liberal quantities of vintage prog sounds rubbing up against Middle Eastern-infused modes. In lesser hands it could make for an ungainly stilistic mariage. Yet the seamless integration between ethnic and electronic instrumentation, combined with a stirring rhytmic momentum, makes for a bracing and enjoyable union. Many of the squeaky-synth settings and textures used by Thierry enjoy a Wakeman-esque flourish, sometimes revealling in a similarly opulent grandeur. Jean Luc coaxes frantic dervish-like melodies from his twin-neck 12 and six string Ovation guitar. A subtle Celtic/Breton inflection occasionally evokes the freewheeling pelt of Alan Stivell or Dan Ar Braz in the course of the six tightly-drilled pieces here. Augmented by three extra studio tracks and rehearsal footage, the virtues of their supple technique are elegantly expressed. Intelligent editing ensures the driving excitement of this French trio's music is experly and engagingly showcased. (Sid Smith - PROG magazine)"

Produced by : Gilles Pialat